About Us
Gal-IV Ltd is a relatively young company, established in 2017 in Varna, Bulgaria but yet has proved its capability to complete works with high quality and under high international standards.
Apart of its main activities, Gal-IV has the goal to establish an own educational and training center for young specialist such welders and pipe fitters.
Quality, Security, Environment and Human Resources Policy
From the beginning of its activity Gal-IV aims a constant process and methods for improving the quality and security, which is typical trend for the industry and is a factor that will be an indisputable asset in the presence of a highly competitive market.
Gal-IV started its certification process according to the ISO and EN-ISO standards well aware that the standards are only a part, though considerable, of the Internal Quality Policy, referred to:
- Overall quality improvement as a constant parameter in the work process, in the finished products and the services.
- Increasing the competitiveness.
- Certified qualification in order to prove our level to our clients.
- Decreasing the expenses.
- Increasing the productivity.
At the moment Gal-IV is certified to EN-ISO 9001:2015, SCC*2017/6.0 and EN-ISO 3834-2:2021.
Gal-IV applies the security system, based on the same criteria as the quality system. Currently Gal-IV intensifies the education and the training of all employees through internal or external courses and seminars for definition of the security and emergency procedures.
The respect of the environment where we live is one of the most precious values which we shell keep and pass on to the future generation.
For Gal-IV the respect of the environment means the harmonization and regulation of its activities in order to create minimum impact in nature.
The advantage of applying and integrating the Quality, Security and Environment Policy can be summarized with the optimization of the human resources – employees with capability, experience and professionalism.